Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Nike 10K - Wembley Stadium and beyond

My head was killing me! I'd had a good night, but now I was paying for it. And I did not want to get up, never mind run 10K in North London.

Eventually I dragged my sorry self out of bed. Then, fed and watered, and watered a bit more. Slowly I began to feel alive. However as to the idea of running anywhere, never mind a 10K, I was feeling none too confident. But, having never dropped out before, and with some workmates to defeat, I made my way to Wembley Stadium.

Jeez! They really dragged it out before the race. At first a concert, then interviews, more music and more chatting. Many appreciated Paula Radcliffe and Seb Coe being there, but boy did the pre-race show drag on. Only at 7.30, half an hour late, did we, at last, set off.

Ugh! We were off. But I was still not in a good way. And at the 1K mark I knew just how bad things were. I had been aiming for 45 mins, 4:30 per K, but my watch said 5 minutes. Nightmare!! Then at 2 miles 10 minutes 20. No!!!! And at 3K I just wanted to stop. ButI kept going. As at Victoria Park, I was determined to plough on.

As I kept going it started to get easier. The crowd thinned and I stopped feeling so ill, and began to pick up some speed. Soon I reached 5K. Halfway done, there was no stopping now. Then 6K , then 7, eventually 8 and then 9. I was closing in on 50 mins.

Busting my guts I powered on. My watch read 49 minutes, but I still couldn't see the finish line. Then I heard someone say it was just round the corner, 200m away. I squeezed the last drop off effort from my aching legs. 49 mins was gone. Could I make it within 50 minutes? I sprinted on, round the corner and with the finish line in sight. With other runners doing the same I passed some and was passed my others, everyone going at full tilt. Almost there. Then over the line. Done!

My time? 50:20. Damn! I missed by a mere 20 seconds.

Good news though. London took second pace in the World Race of 26 cities, bettered only by Madrid.

And I managed to beat both workmates taking part. Sweet!

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