Monday 6 October 2008

London Half Marathon (Run to the Beat)

The inaugural London Half Marathon, my fifth half marathon, and possibly last chance for a PB this year. Did I manage it? Did I heck.

A series of factors conspired to thwart my plans. London Transport started by having a train break down in the tube station we all needed to reach. This meant we all had an unforeseen 3-4 mile trek to the start line (at the O2 Arena). Luckily the race was postponed for 45 minutes to accommodate this. Then weather did its worst - it rained non-stop all morning. And finally, and possibly most importantly I hadn't trained as much as I would have liked. There were several reasons for this, none of which are any good.

The route was OK. Probably on a par with the Great North Run, taking place on the same day. However they didn't have a dreary mist to deal with, so they probably had some fine views. For us the Thames-side part of the our race was slightly less impressive than it could have been.

It wasn't all bad. Moaning aside, I was inspired as I was during the London Marathon by the local crowds cheering everyone one. Right or wrong, London people have a bad reputation for selfishness. Again, I saw otherwise. Through this I made it to the end, and even kept within 2 hours.

My time? 1hr 55. Not brilliant. And well outside my best. But all things considered, not a bad effort.

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