Monday, 5 May 2008

Bank Holiday - Where's the rain?

I feel wrecked. Another run in the heat-trap that is London. I'm burned, aching and wishing there was more than 20 days until the big one in Edinburgh. And it was a bank holiday! So, where was the crappy, cloudy weather?? I could really have done with it.

Today was the May Day bank holiday. For the benefit of non-UK people, this is the public holiday on May 1 or the first Monday thereafter. Typically it means guaranteed rubbish weather. For a long distance runner from non-tropical Scotland this is far from a bad thing. However, this Monday bucked the trend. Sun and 21oC both appeared as predicted.

Maybe I should have started earlier. Running 11am -1:30pm in the heat was probably a bit stupid. OK, I admit it, really stupid. But I did manage a 17 miles and have a nice glowing tan..., which is nice. Still, it was daft.

Two more long runs to go. Eek!!

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