Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Penultimate long run - too hot...

Second last long run before the 26 miler. And I'm still scunnered!

The week had been HOT!! I ran twice at 6am during the week to keep ot of the heat and, hoping to run 18 miles, and my long run was going to be another early start. Waking at 7:30, I took about 40 minute for rehydration before heading out. After 20 minutes warm up I was off.

The aim was 18 miles. And I wanted to head out to meet some friends at 12:00. It was going to be tight. Not wanting to carry any water I had loaded up with cash and set off for my forst watering hole, 6 miles in. I made it and refuelled. This carried on, runing, keeping in the shade as much as possible. Without too much bother I found myself at the 17 mile stage. But I was beginning to tire.

Last mile. I had 15 minutes to fnish within 3 hours, which should not have been a problem. Then I 'hit the wall'. All my muscles screamed with pain. Every movement became an aching mission to move the next step forward. The, to add insult to injury, one of my friends from the running club drove by, slowing down to tell me I wasn't puting in enough effort. Jeez!! I kept quiet and didn't swear. Eventually the next 15 minutes passed and I was home. 18.1 miles, done. Thank goodness that was over.

Now? Time to carbo-load. Pasta and bread frenzy begins.


Beth said...

Sorry it's been so hot. Welcome to life in Georgia from May through October! Glad you made it through your last LR. When's the race?

Marathon Stu said...

I hear you. Running in the Sunbelt during the summer must be pure torture. The race is next week - the 25th. Up to Edinburgh on Saturday and racing on the Sunday. Then hobble back to London on the Monday.