Tuesday, 5 February 2008

4 Weeks to Reading

Another week. Fitter, faster and further. OK, further.

I gave Hell a miss. Thursday was a nightmare of a day! It was cold, windy and I was sneezing all over the place. Run up and downa hill 6 times? Forget that!!

I made it out on Saturday though, for my long run, and what a result. The target was 8 miles. Over the local park and up towards and around Clapham Common, then back again. I was shattered! I had a blister that felt like sin. But I had run 8.88 miles! Superb. I'm well and truly on track. Next long run I'm going for 10 miles :-)

Next stop, Tuesday track session. I finished, but my performance was pooooor. Watching little 10 year olds fly past me didn't please me one bit. I would have done better if I didn't have a half-healed blister to contend with. Honest. Well that's my excuse, and I'm sticking to it!

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